SuperKids Aquatic is approved for SwimStart

Swim start is a voucher program in Queensland supporting learn to swim activities for 0 - 4 year olds and the great news is, SuperKids Aquatic Mackay is registered to accept your swim start voucher!
When a round is open, parents & carers can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their eligible child to be used towards swimming lessons. There is a limit of 1 voucher per child per financial year.
Check if you're eligible
1. You must be a Queensland resident and
2. Your child must be 0 - 4 years old and
3. You haven't already claimed a voucher in the same financial years and
4. You have a current Services Australia Health Care or pensioner Concession card and
5. You have a current medicare card with your child's name on it
If you answered yes to all of these questions you are eligible!
You can now apply directly via the Qld Swim start website
Key dates:
31 July24 - Round 2 opens
30 May 25 - Round 2 closes
6 June 25 - Last date to submit Round 2 vouchers to our swim school
It's very simple -
1. Apply online & wait up to 10 days to get approved
2. Once approved, Swimstart will send you an email with a voucher code
3. Give us the voucher code to validate & we will apply up to $150 on your account paid by Kidsport!
4. We claim the money back from Swim start.